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Introducing a Member Incentive 2021

Brought to you by our Silver Partner GEHA

Wellness Incentive


Richard F. Doyle Award

Shall be made to the Federal Probation or Pretrial Services Officer who has made the most significant achievement in, or contribution to, the Federal Probation & Pretrial Services System or the broader field of corrections. The accomplishment on which the presentation of the award is based need not have occurred in a single year or in the year in which the award is presented. The accomplishment may result from the dissemination of public information relating to work, from a study made, article written, innovation developed or other significant and outstanding work.

Regional Line Officer of the Year Award

Shall be made to the Fed­eral Pro­ba­tion or Pre­trial Ser­vices Of­fi­cer who has made a sig­nif­i­cant achieve­ment in, or con­tri­bu­tion to, the Fed­eral Pro­ba­tion & Pre­trial Ser­vices Sys­tem or the broader field of cor­rec­tions.

Pres­i­dent Award

Shall be made to an individual who has made the most significant achievement in, or contribution to, the Federal Probation & Pretrial Services System or the broader field of corrections and who is not currently in service. This is considered the highest possible award and recipients are nominated by the Executive Board of the Association.