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Improving Public Safety Through Effective Community Reintegration Practices

NIC and CCCN are creating a DVD based training program designed to highlight effective community reintegration practices that will promote behavior change and recidivism reduction, enhance public safety, and save taxpayer dollars.


The United States criminal justice system manages a staggering 7 million adults and three quarter of a million juveniles - the majority of which will be returning to our communities. Justice professionals need to take a system-wide, evidence-based approach and work collaboratively if we want to improve public safety and increase the likelihood of success for those reintegrating back into our communities. The collateral consequences for someone involved in the justice system can be severe. For adults, these can include having a harder time finding a job, difficulty finding safe and sustainable housing, and interruptions in family dynamics and relationships. Juveniles can experience difficulties getting back on track with school and maintaining positive peer relationships. And while some of these consequences are unique to adult or juvenile populations, one consequence stands out as damaging for both: the difficulty of successfully reintegrating and connecting back to the community.

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