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HomeRegional Line Officer of the Year Award

Regional Line Officer of the Year Award

Shall be made to the Fed­eral Pro­ba­tion or Pre­trial Ser­vices Of­fi­cer who has made a sig­nif­i­cant achieve­ment in, or con­tri­bu­tion to, the Fed­eral Pro­ba­tion & Pre­trial Ser­vices Sys­tem or the broader field of cor­rec­tions.


The award shall be made to commemorate and perpetuate the ideals of outstanding performance in the field of Federal Probation and Pretrial Services. It is designed to recognize and honor Federal Probations and/or Pretrial Officers, who through their own initiatives, make a significant contribution and provides outstanding services to the field of corrections. By recognizing and encouraging services which enhance the effectiveness of the Federal Probation and Pretrial Services Officers, it also acquaints the public with the work being accomplished in the Federal Probation and Pretrial Services System.


Any Federal Probation or Pretrial Services Officer or Probation Officer Assistant, who is not a Chief, Deputy Chief or Supervisor, and who has demonstrated the worthwhile virtues of dedication, compassion, perseverance, and integrity. The recipient should have exceeded the customary administrative requirements of his or her work by giving unselfishly of his or her time, talent, resources, expertise and energies to causes which enrich the lives of others. The recipient should inspire leadership and professional standards. The recipient's responses in time of need has earned him or her the respect and praise of fellow worker and of the community at large.


Nominations may be made by anyone within their region. All nominations shall be typed in a letter or memorandum format not to exceed 500 words. Each nomination must include a description of the nominee’s achievements or contributions of significant value to our field.

The nomination shall contain the following topographical headings:
  1. General Qualifications. This section should reflect academic and professional background information and indicate the dates of federal probation/pretrial service.
  2. Accomplishments. This section shall include the specific basis for the nomination.
  3. Supporting Documents. There should include a list of any attached documents or exhibits. The number of such attachments should be limited to six and should be presented in summary format.
  4. Remarks. A summation of the material submitted and reasons for the nomination.
The awards shall be presented no later than June 1st of the subsequent year.


Once all nominations are in the hands of the Chairperson, a Regional Awards Committee of no less than three nor more than six FPPOA members shall be appointed by the Regional President. The Awards Committee will screen nominations received on or before December 30th of each year and will make the selection. The national chairperson will nominate the recipient of the Line Officer of the Year Award for the Doyle Award, as receiving the Line Officer of the Year Award allows the recipient to automatically be considered for the Doyle Award the following year. No member of the FPPOA Board shall be eligible until at least one year from the expiration of his or her term of office. Those nominees who are eligible but are not selected as the overall winner, may receive a certificate of recognition and appreciation issued by the regional officers.


A suitable ceremony for presentation of the Regional Line Officer Award will be arranged by the Regional President and the Regional Awards Committee. The Regional President will notify the following persons: the Recipient; the Chief Judge of the officer's respective district; the Recipient's Chief Probation or Pretrial Services Officer; the Chief of Division of Probation and Pretrial Services Department; the FPPOA National President; FPPOA's The Connection Newsletter Editor; and the National Doyle Award Chairperson. The National Doyle Award Chairperson will purchase the regional plaque with Association funds and will mail it to the Regional President. A $500 cash award will also be presented to the recipient.


The Editor of The Connection will publicize the existence of the award and will encourage nominations. Once awarded, the Editor publicize the recipient's honor in the national newsletter, The Connection. A copy of the news release will be furnished to the National Secretary.


LOY Nomination Form 2024